Sadiq Umar Virtual Assistant & Content Creator Tue, 21 Jan 2025 04:11:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sadiq Umar 32 32 What’s the Recipe for Success in Online Entrepreneurship? Tue, 21 Jan 2025 04:11:16 +0000 If success were a special dish you could cook, what would be the best recipe to prepare it? If you knew exactly what those recipes were, would you gather the right ingredients and make it the proper way? Or would you just use whatever ingredients happened to be closest to you? Just as you need […]

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If success were a special dish you could cook, what would be the best recipe to prepare it?

If you knew exactly what those recipes were, would you gather the right ingredients and make it the proper way? Or would you just use whatever ingredients happened to be closest to you?

Just as you need chicken to make chicken soup, there are specific ingredients required to succeed in online entrepreneurship.

While everyone’s journey is different and we may take different routes to reach the same destination, certain key principles remain the same.

After reading Mastery by Robert Greene, I learned that being a master at something is a crucial ingredient for succeeding in it. And mastery can only be achieved through consistent effort in practical learning.

All the majorly successful people in this world are masters of their craft. If you look into their lives, you’ll find a period where they spent years in practical learning, gaining no immediate rewards other than the learning itself.

This makes one thing clear: practical learning is a foundational ingredient for success.

What Is Practical Learning?

Practical learning is learning through action—putting in the work, dedicating 10,000 hours to practicing your craft, and resisting the distractions of shortcuts.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of passive learning without practice. Many people use passive learning as an excuse to delay action.

I often hear statements like: “I’ll start as soon as I finish this course.” “I just need a mentor to teach me this or that.”

Here’s the hard truth from my personal experience: passive learning will never be enough. You will never feel fully confident or skilled enough until you dive into practical learning.

Every time I start something new—no matter how well I prepare—I end up making mistakes at the beginning. Over time, I’ve realized that these mistakes are necessary. In fact, they’re the fastest way to learn.

The quicker I make those mistakes, the quicker I learn and improve.

The Key Takeaway

Don’t let yourself get stuck in the passive learning zone. Instead, pull yourself up and dive into practical learning. Commit to putting in 10,000 hours of focused practice.

If you do this, you’ll give yourself the best chance of becoming a master. And once you master your craft, success becomes far more attainable.

Now, I’d love to hear from you. What do you believe is the biggest obstacle in your personal journey toward online entrepreneurship? Let me know in the comments below.

Cheers 🥂

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Why Value Exchange is the Key to Online Entrepreneurship Success Fri, 17 Jan 2025 14:14:01 +0000 Everyone wants to make a lot of money, but most don’t! If you ask me why, I strongly believe it all comes down to this.

In this post I share a personal story about a high-ticket marketing agency that failed to deliver, why "get-rich-quick" schemes are a trap, and the one thing that has been the secret to my online success.

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Everyone wants to make a lot of money, but unfortunately, not many people want to make that money through value exchange!

If I get asked, What is the most realistic way to succeed in online entrepreneurship based on my personal experience? my answer will come down to this:

Let me start by giving you an example.

Recently, one of the main clients I work for hired a high-ticket digital marketing agency. He paid a big amount of money to them while they promised big results. Unfortunately, after three months of working with them, he had to fire them because they were not able to provide any results despite getting paid a large amount upfront and spending a lot more money on marketing campaigns that generated no returns at all.

A lot of the failure was because of their lack of dedication to providing the right service that matched the price they were paid.

For example, in the middle of the project, they decided to go on vacation for a week and paused all marketing campaigns. Even though they were supposed to be experts, they ended up asking for my help with many tech tasks that they should have taken care of.

You will find this problem in many places—people just want a lot of money but don’t care about providing the right value in exchange.

Why I Credit My Success to Value Exchange

I personally credit a lot of my success in my career to doing everything I possibly can. If I get hired to do a task, I make sure it gets done right!

I strongly believe in value exchange, which is why I never have any interest in “get rich quick” schemes.

Anything that promises a lot of money with no work in a short time is not of interest to me. More often than not, if it sounds too good to be true, then it is NOT true.

Avoiding the Trap of Get-Rich-Quick Schemes

I can recognize get-rich-quick schemes when someone advertises a way to make a lot of money within a few days with very little to no work. Most times, the people who advertise these schemes start by saying, “This is not a get-rich-quick scheme.”

Sadly, there are way too many content creators on YouTube who share misleading and unrealistic get-rich-quick information.

Knowledge is super important—without it, you cannot go anywhere. But you have to be very careful about who you get that knowledge from. If you listen to just anyone on YouTube, you will probably end up chasing too many unrealistic ideas and doing things that will never work for you. In the end, you might give up, thinking this whole online entrepreneurship thing is not for you.

Finding What Aligns with Your Strengths

Everyone is different. Even if I give you a step-by-step process of how I did something and achieved results, and even if you follow the process exactly as I did with no mistakes, you might not achieve the same results. This is because we all have our strengths and weaknesses. That is why it is a good idea to try different things and find what aligns with your strengths.

But while you try different things, do it with a clear intention of providing value to someone in exchange for money. If you focus on making money through value exchange, then you are on the right track to finding something that will change your financial future.

A Lesson from the Dead Stock Cult

I recently watched a video from James Jani’s YouTube channel about a “dead stock cult.” It is about how someone took a risk and bought the stock of a company that was clearly dying. Everyone thought he would lose all his money, but luckily for him, the stock rose and made him a millionaire almost overnight. 

When that happened, a lot of people started rushing to buy the stock, wishing to become overnight millionaires too. However, the stock kept going down and losing value to the point where the company filed for bankruptcy. Thousands of people lost all their money, but they refused to accept reality and kept putting their money into other stocks, continuing to lose in pursuit of overnight riches.

That is the sad reality for most people. Some people win the lottery, but since some people win, do you think it’s a good idea to leave everything and chase winning a lottery? There’s a huge chance that if you do that, you will spend your entire life chasing it without catching anything.

Here is my final advice: If you really want to change your financial future, embrace hard work, be willing to outwork everyone you know, don’t get distracted by get-rich-quick schemes, avoid shiny object syndrome, find a way to turn off your desire for instant gratification, and finally, never give up!

I would like to end this post with some dramatic words. As 50 Cent once said, “Get Rich or Die Trying.” 😊

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The Ultimate Guide to Success in Online Entrepreneurship! Fri, 10 Jan 2025 12:50:54 +0000 I learned that some people love to talk about things, and some people like to do things. If you are among the ones who love to talk about things, do yourself a favor and start doing! My main professional goal is to help people be aware of online entrepreneurship opportunities and how they can take […]

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I learned that some people love to talk about things, and some people like to do things. If you are among the ones who love to talk about things, do yourself a favor and start doing!

My main professional goal is to help people be aware of online entrepreneurship opportunities and how they can take advantage of them to change their lives. I have seen many people get excited about online entrepreneurship, but they either say something along the lines of, “I am going to try this sometime,” or they jump at it and start with the most complicated thing. Then they lose interest, get bored within a few days, and stop the execution.

It always boggles my mind why someone would get “bored” or lose interest in trying not to be poor. Then I thought maybe it has something to do with something I heard Tony Robbins say in a recent podcast: “Hard times create strong people, and then strong people create easy times, then easy times create weak people, and weak people create hard times, and the circle continues.” Maybe if you are not under immense pressure to do something, you will not do it. Maybe that is how we are made; I don’t know.

The ironic thing is, most of the people who like to talk about things without doing things will not admit, even to themselves, that they are not executing enough. They will have excuses to tell themselves about why they are not doing the hard things.

Ask yourself the following questions if you really want to know whether you are executing enough, not just talking about things:

➤ If you learn about something new that you feel interested in, something like freelancing, content creation, or anything else, do you start working on it immediately, or do you say something like, “I will start this as soon as…”?

➤ Can you do something for 12 months every week without seeing any result and without giving up?

➤ If you have ever started something like freelancing/virtual assistance, are you doing something more than the bare minimum? More than what the majority of people are doing?

I heard someone say, “If you know every new movie that comes out, and you know and listen to every new song that comes out, and you are poor and you don’t have any side hustle you are actively working on, you have to accept the fact that you are lazy.”

I saw someone recently on their phone doing what is known as “mining,” and I asked them, why won’t you do something like freelancing or YouTube content creation? And they said, “But this thing I am doing is very easy. I just need to tap it for a few minutes every day.” And ladies and gentlemen, that is the problem: the word “EASY.” If you aren’t willing to do the hard things, you aren’t ready to change your life.

Do this if you want to have the best shot at achieving great things:

➤ When you have an idea about something and you think, “I am going to start this when…,” ask yourself, why am I not starting right this minute? If there is not a legitimate reason, develop a habit of starting things “right now.”

➤ Make things easy and realistic for yourself. If you have no online skills and you decide to start learning JavaScript, that is not easy and not realistic, and you will most definitely give up.

➤ Expect to have to work harder than most people. Expect a learning curve. Expect long days and months of unpaid hours of work.

The good news is, if you do all of the above, you should expect to succeed in a matter of time.

Cheers to achieving great things 🥂

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Who Is to Blame for Africa’s Exodus: Leaders, Youth, or Society? Thu, 12 Dec 2024 10:40:16 +0000 I watched a BBC documentary a few days ago about African immigrants making the journey across the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe. I often watch documentaries, but this one was among the most heartbreaking for me. The documentary featured a man with a wife and a two-year-old baby. He had been saving money to pay […]

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I watched a BBC documentary a few days ago about African immigrants making the journey across the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe. I often watch documentaries, but this one was among the most heartbreaking for me.

The documentary featured a man with a wife and a two-year-old baby. He had been saving money to pay a smuggler to take him and others on a fishing boat across the Mediterranean Sea to Europe.

The man was 100% willing to leave his wife, young child, and mother behind—not because he was facing persecution or fleeing from war, but because he believed it was his only chance for a better future. Even his family agreed with his decision.

Sadly, this is the case for many Africans, especially the youth. I would not be surprised if, among the readers of this article, some would consider taking the dangerous illegal route to Europe, leaving behind everyone and everything they know.

Honestly, I don’t blame the youth entirely for running away from extreme poverty and the lack of a bright future to chase a dream they perceive as achievable elsewhere. I understand this because I have been in a similar situation.

After my father passed away in 2015, I found myself in difficult circumstances. I know that if I had the opportunity to get on a boat across the Mediterranean Sea to Europe, I would have taken it. Looking back now, I am glad I never had that chance.

There are many countries in Africa facing extreme war and lacking reliable governments. However, in a country like Nigeria, I don’t see why we can’t make it a place where citizens feel no need to escape due to poverty.

The facts are right before our eyes, but sadly, most of us choose to turn a blind eye—and that is the root of our problems. This is why extreme poverty and insecurity are growing in every corner of the continent.

By December 2024, Nigeria’s National Electricity Grid had collapsed for the 12th time this year. While the government pretended it didn’t have the funds to fix it, they managed to purchase 12 Alpha Jets from France.

Politicians are not the answer. We are the answer.

I am going to say something that whenever I say it people pretend they never heard it. But if we just listen, it might help change the future of our countries.

In the next election, every person who has held any political office in the last 20 years should not be elected to any position of power. They have failed us. If we continue voting for the same people who have held different positions of power over the last two decades, nothing will change.

Let’s vote for an entirely new administration. If they fail to fulfill their promises in their first term, we replace them.

We have that power. If we start using it, things might begin to change.

That said, we as individuals also have a responsibility to contribute to positive change. No matter how good a government is, if you wait for them to change your life, you are in trouble.

There are many ways to change your life and help others around you. If you have internet access, you have access to the largest free learning platform in the world—YouTube.

Instead of mindlessly scrolling through TikTok, why not learn something on YouTube that can help you in one area of your life?

You can learn how to make money online, get a specific job, improve your health, or enhance your relationships. By investing time in self-improvement instead of wasting it, you can change your life over time.

If we all strive to be better and work toward making our country a better place, we might succeed. In the years to come, we could live in a better place without having to leave our families and everything we know behind.

Everyone has a part to play, and we have to start taking this responsibility for our lives to start changing for the better.

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Finding Your Luck: Why Persistence is the Key Sun, 08 Dec 2024 11:29:15 +0000 When it comes to success and achievements, luck often plays a bigger role than we like to admit. But here’s the good news: luck isn’t some mystical force reserved for a select few. I firmly believe that everyone can find their luck—it just might not happen on the first attempt. The Role of Luck in […]

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When it comes to success and achievements, luck often plays a bigger role than we like to admit. But here’s the good news: luck isn’t some mystical force reserved for a select few. I firmly believe that everyone can find their luck—it just might not happen on the first attempt.

The Role of Luck in My Journey

Looking back at my own achievements, I can clearly see how luck played a significant part. Take, for instance, my time as a sales representative. One day, by sheer coincidence, I met a regional manager. Despite my initial attempts to avoid meeting him that day, we crossed paths, and he ended up offering me a full-time position on the spot. That chance encounter was pure luck. But here’s the catch: it didn’t happen in my first month or even my first year. By then, I had been working as a sales rep for over four years, consistently showing up and putting in the effort.

A similar story unfolded during my virtual assistant (VA) career. I landed an amazing client on Fiverr when I still had New Seller status and only a handful of reviews. But that “lucky” break came after a series of challenges: having my first Fiverr account deleted, struggling on other platforms, and enduring a 50% negative review rate from clients on yet another platform.

Luck Takes Time and Effort

These experiences taught me an important lesson: luck doesn’t strike immediately. It’s not about stumbling upon success on your first or second try. Instead, it’s about persevering through the setbacks and disappointments until you create the right circumstances for luck to find you.

Think of it this way: luck is like a hidden treasure. You won’t find it by digging one or two shallow holes. You have to keep searching, digging deeper, and refining your approach. Eventually, you’ll strike gold.

How to Find Your Luck

If you’re feeling discouraged in your journey, here are a few reminders:

  • Keep showing up. Consistency is often the foundation of luck.
  • Don’t give up too soon. Many people quit right before they’re about to find their breakthrough.
  • Learn from failures. Every setback teaches you something that can help you move closer to success.
  • Stay open to opportunities. Sometimes, luck appears in the most unexpected ways.

Everyone Can Find Their Luck

You have what it takes to find your luck. It might not happen overnight, but if you persist and keep trying, you’ll eventually create the opportunity you need. Luck favors those who refuse to give up.

So, here’s my message to you: keep going. Your luck is out there, waiting for you to find it. And when you do, everything will start falling into place.

Cheers to finding your luck!

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The Key to Overcoming Overwhelm as a Beginner Sun, 08 Dec 2024 11:24:03 +0000 Starting something new can be exciting, but let’s face it—it can also feel overwhelming. It’s easy to think a task is too complicated or to doubt your ability to figure it out. But here’s something very important to remember: it’s not as complicated as it seems. A Lesson from My Experience I used to work […]

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Starting something new can be exciting, but let’s face it—it can also feel overwhelming. It’s easy to think a task is too complicated or to doubt your ability to figure it out. But here’s something very important to remember: it’s not as complicated as it seems.

A Lesson from My Experience

I used to work with someone who would easily get frustrated when faced with something unfamiliar. Whenever he had to use a new app, system, or website, within minutes, he’d throw up his hands in exasperation and say things like:

  • “This app is stupid!”
  • “Why is this so complicated?”
  • “This part isn’t working; maybe it just won’t work on my computer.”

Before long, his frustration would spiral, and he’d make no progress at all. Watching this pattern repeat itself, I realized he needed a way to simplify the process and regain his focus.

A Simple Solution

Here’s what I did to help him: I let him vent about everything that seemed wrong with the app or system. Then, after he finished, I’d calmly say:

“It’s not complicated, and there’s nothing wrong with the app, system, or computer. Take a deep breath, relax, and start from the beginning. Follow the instructions step-by-step without rushing, and I promise you’ll understand.”

Almost every time, he was able to figure it out once he approached the task with a calm and focused mindset.

How This Applies to You

If you’re a beginner tackling something new—whether it’s creating an account on Upwork, learning how to use Microsoft Excel, or studying a client’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)—remember this:

  • Don’t rush. Take things step-by-step, and don’t try to skip ahead.
  • Stay calm. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a deep breath and reset your mindset.
  • Avoid the “this won’t work” trap. Doubting the process only makes it harder to progress.

Start Fresh, Every Time

Whenever you feel stuck, remind yourself: It’s not complicated. Begin again, step-by-step, and you’ll figure it out. Trust the process and your ability to learn. Over time, what once seemed confusing will become second nature.

Cheers to embracing new challenges with confidence!

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How I Spent More Time Learning Than 81% of Udemy Users Sun, 08 Dec 2024 11:18:57 +0000 Two days ago, I received an email from Udemy summarizing my activities on the platform in 2024. At first, I almost dismissed it as just another year-end recap. But something caught my attention: my total minutes of learning on Udemy ranked higher than 81% of other learners in 2024. This recognition made me reflect on […]

The post How I Spent More Time Learning Than 81% of Udemy Users appeared first on Sadiq Umar.

Two days ago, I received an email from Udemy summarizing my activities on the platform in 2024. At first, I almost dismissed it as just another year-end recap. But something caught my attention: my total minutes of learning on Udemy ranked higher than 81% of other learners in 2024.

This recognition made me reflect on a question someone recently asked me: “How do you know how to do so many things?” My answer is simple—learning every day.

From Zero Skills to Mastering Many

When I started freelancing in 2019, I knew almost nothing about online work. I couldn’t type fast, and tasks as simple as filling out online forms felt daunting. But I had a deep curiosity and a desire to improve. Over time, I fell in love with learning, and that mindset changed everything for me.

Fast forward to today, and it’s rare for me to encounter a client need I can’t meet. Even when a task is unfamiliar, I’m confident I can figure it out through research and practice. My journey has taken me from mastering basic administrative tasks to learning programming languages and tackling more advanced challenges.

The Power of Consistent Learning

This transformation didn’t happen overnight. It took years of continuous learning, trial, and error. Developing the habit of learning was key. Whenever I have downtime, I explore courses on Udemy to pick up new skills. This approach has kept me adaptable and ready to meet the evolving demands of online work.

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned is this: if you’re starting with limited skills, begin with the basics. Master the easier tasks first, then gradually take on more advanced ones. Jumping into complex skills too early can lead to frustration and burnout.

Skills Over Credentials

The skills I’ve gained through self-directed learning have proven far more valuable than my academic qualifications. They’ve enabled me to build a solid financial future and provide services that make a real impact. Skills are assets that grow with you, opening doors to new opportunities and challenges.

My Call to Action for 2025

As we approach 2025, my challenge to you is this: make learning a daily habit. Start where you are and go at your own pace. Whether it’s through Udemy, YouTube, books, or any other resource, commit to learning something new every day. Over time, the small steps will add up to big changes.

Let’s go all in on learning in 2025. Your future self will thank you.


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